Rand Rom
Rand Rom ScholarshipGuidelines for the ASL Arizona Total Immersion Rand Rom Scholarship
The Rand Rom Scholarship of the ASL Arizona Total Immersion (ASL AZTI) was created to provide need-based individuals the opportunity to attend the ASL AZTI. This scholarship was created to honor the spirit of Rand Rom, who was a long-time staff member for the ASL AZTI program who loved ASL and shared that love with everyone he met. To apply for this scholarship, the candidate must:
Thank you so much for donations of in memory of Rand Rom. Your donation is a thoughtful way of showing support of his memory. We will use your donation to honor his life and association with ASL AZTi by creating a scholarship to support the inclusion of student who might not otherwise be able to attend.
Rand Rom Memorial Scholarship sponsors:
Anonymous total $900.00
Rand Rom Memorial Scholarship sponsors:
Anonymous total $900.00
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